Parents and carers can enjoy a cuppa whilst supervising their your little ones in the great playground with lots of outdoor toys.
Playgroup is on Tuesday mornings 10am – 12pm at Kookaburra Retreat during school terms with the occasional holiday session.
Membership is $10 for the year and the cost per visit is $3 for each family (first session is free).
Playgroup is open to the public and you’re welcome to bring along friends.
Any updates or information on sessions will be posted on the Facebook group.
Please note the following:
* No signs or symptoms of Covid19 – you and your family are well.
* You have not been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid19 in the last 14 days.
* Wash/sanitise hands on arrival and after eating and drinking.
* Adults are to maintain physical distancing (1.5 metres).
* One adult (plus child) at a time in the bathroom.